Being a fan of comic books and Captain America, I had to see this film. 'Nuff said.
Captain America: The First Avenger (CA:TFA) follows Steve Rogers from scrawny solider wannabe to a timeless national hero. Thats pretty much it.
Likes - I enjoyed this film a whole lot. I went into this film knowing they wouldn't get everything right. Honestly, they never do with these comic films. With this film though, you can tell they worked really hard to craft a story as close to the original as possible. More so, they wanted to keep the characters the same at heart. And they did that. For all that Chris Evans has done, this is by far the best role I've seen him play. You believe he is Steve Rogers. That's saying a lot! Bucky and the Howling Commandos are on par too. With CA:TFA, despite Captain America being such a lone figure, he really is made by the people that support him. Hugo Weaving also was a great pick as Red Skull. He gives off the right amount of creepy and fear. I even liked how they had a nice easter egg during the Expo scene.
Dislikes - Nothing in particular sticks out that I didn't like. Mind you I saw CA:TFA on sunday and it's about Thursday.
Overall - I think it was a good film. Great film even. We really saw the trails that helped build the Captain America mythos. The film really shows how Steve Rogers, not Captain America, is a true American hero!
Four and Half Stars out of Five.