Sweets follows Curt, a man facing hard times. His teenage daughter, Katie, was killed in a hit and run and his marriage is falling apart. Katie was the only thing holding Curt and his wife together. Without her, divorce is eminent. To add to his burden, Curt, being a police detective, is on the verge of losing his job if he doesn't shape up. In order to keep his mind occupied and distracted, he finally joins back the force in the middle of a series of murders. At first, they all seem random and unconnected. But the consistent discovery of pecan pralines leads the cops to see these deaths as being related. Trying to beat the clock, Curt needs to uncover the truth behind and murders. More so, he needs to findthe man instigating so much viciousness on his town.
Likes - I'll begin with the art. I think for a noir gritty crime story the art is great. The first chapter starts off with a slew of different styles. It was confusing. As i read one though it started to make more sense. Each color scheme/style depicts a state of mind or period. The art was easy to figure out and overall helped tell the story better.
The story was another solid aspect I liked about this. It was totally original, signs point to Seven and other entries in the genre. For what it as though it was nice. The story really was about Curt, trying to figure out not only how to catch the killing but dealing the fact his daughter was gone. Honestly we barely see the killer, the focus being on Curt.
Dislikes - Just one thing that I found annoying. My actually TPB fell about. About half the pages just fell out in the middle of my reading annoying.
Overall - I enjoyed this book. But it was amazing as I was expecting. There was one twist but even that really felt expected. The art was great but not to the point I could frame it on a wall. It did help make this good story better. Read this if you are a fan of crime, like Law and Order. Otherwise, feel free to skip this one. 3.5 stars out of 5.