Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Review: Tron Legacy sdtk

With all the hype around this movie, there is alot of buzz around the music too.  Being a fan of Daft Punk, I was compelled to listen to their latest work.

Generally speaking, its a weird album.  I was expecting the next great Daft Punk hit.  This is not that album.  So throw that expectation in the garbage disposal.  It'll improve your experience greatly.  This is a good album.  Its very unique, interesting, and mature.  Its orchestrally heavy, like a typical film score.  There are also many electronic elements and flourishes.  The old meets the new on this album.  In fact, they are like an old couple - they bicker, they compromise, they even fight it out.  If you enjoyed the Inception score (which I did immensely) you'll enjoy this.  This album is not the next dance and electronic sensation though.  A delicate balance is trying to be found here.  It's subtle, it's epic, it's full, it's lush.  It isn't strange, wild, or out-of-control. So don't come looking for that.  I'll give this album 3 out of 5.  If I went in with no expectations, I'd probably give this a 4.  Try it out and let me know what you think.

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