Monday, October 24, 2011

Review: Dream Home

Hey everyone.  I know it's been some time.  In my real life, I was away on business and wasn't able to keep the movie watching going like normal.  Don't fret though, I've returned!! And I've brought along a stellar gift in this Chinese slasher masterpiece!  I choose to watch Dream Home beucase it was a newly added title to Netflix's instant stream.  I wasn't expecting anything great or evenly remotely good.  Thankfully, Dream Home managed to surprise me.

Dream Home is the story of Cheng Lai-Sheung's pursuit of finding the perfect home.  Early on, we don't understand what drives Cheng's obsession to get a flat in a particular spot.  Despite the advice from friends, family and experts, she refuses to be deterred from acquiring her dream home (OH NO I just made a title reference!).  Slowly, we come to find what's pushing Cheng and how far she will go to make her dreams come true (I can't stop).

Likes - Firstly, the cinematography was amazing.  There were many quiet moments where panning shots of Hong Kong were showed in both vibrant and dull colors.  You can tell a lot of effort was made to show the city in both it's beauty and it's darkest corners.  It was like watching photos breathing. During the moments where there was development, there was also a sense that the setting was carefully picked.  Each scene seemed to have it's own thematic color.  I could be wrong, but that's what I remember.  It really added to the uniqueness of the film.  It reminds me of Hero, where each battle had its own special setting.  Secondly, the story telling was well crafted, detailed, and moved at a good pace.  At first we have no idea why Cheng is doing what she is doing.  The film provides us insight by going back and forth from Chengs past and present.  We go as far back as her childhood.  It's the only way to truly understand what is driving her.  In time, we come to empathize with her.  The back and forth also provides a nice break from the violence.  Lastly, the gruesomeness and depth of violence is nothing I've ever seen in any horror film.  Where most cameras look way and force us to imagine the outcome, Dream Home leaves no room for speculation.  You see each death to it's bitter end.  For someone who has seen more then his fair share of horror, I was shocked to finally see the next level being taken.  Granted, due to its foreign nature, many lines could be crossed.  But even in Japanese and Korean films, I've never seen this level of gore and maiming. It was gruesome and bloody but I was so intrigued with the overall story, I felt no need to look away.  That's pretty amazing

Dislikes - The only thing I disliked about the film was its Netflix description.  Though it gives you a very basic idea of the film, it does not prepare you at all for what you're about to watch.  To the general audience, the violence and blood maybe too much for some people.  The story is so strong though, to see anything less takes away from the obsession driving Cheng.

Overall - All in all, I was unexpectedly impressed with this film.  I wasn't expecting anything this great.  In fact, the first time I watched this film I fell asleep since I was so tired.  I made another attempt to complete my viewing and it was well worth it.  I'm glad I tried a second time since it usually takes me a few tries to really enjoy a film.  With Dream Home, the story is solid and is told in both a beautiful and grotesque manner.  This juxtaposition really shows you the purity of intentions and the dark depths we can fall into to fulfill them.  I give this film 5 stars easy.  Do yourself horror fans and watch this film ASAP!

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