It's HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNN!!!!!.....So I tried finding a new American horror film to watch. I was only able to find this here.
The Ward follows Kristen as she is inexplicably sent to a mental ward after setting a barn on fire. Upon her arrival, she becomes acclimated into the small world that exists inside. She meets the other patients, pisses the staff off, and randomly encounters a woman covered in darkness trying to kill her. This film turns out to be a ghost story...or is it? (Insert spooky laugh)
Likes - The Ward wasn't a stand out innovative film, so it's hard to point out anything major that I liked. It wasn't terrible or even bad. The acting was acceptable, except for Sarah's death. That was a bit silly. The story was generally solid. Honestly, I was only half paying attention while watching this. The questionable points I did pick up on were ratified with the ending, which i might add......WAS A TWIST! Bet you didn't see that coming.
Dislikes - Again, I have the same general comment. Nothing comes to mind that I greatly disliked about this film. Not saying it was flawless, though.
Overall - The Ward was a fun film to watch if you don't take it too seriously. Viewing it once is enjoyable but that would be enough. This won't change horror or make you scared to sleep at night. I was getting turned off by the ghost story concept because it wasn't being executed in a proper manner. The ending made it acceptable though. The ending didn't bring things full circle, so much as, it was able to explain away any flaws the plot might have had. It was a good idea but the lack of strong acting made the overall film, though fun to watch, an overall forgettable affair.
P.S. One last note I want to add. I will continue to review smaller, more obscure tittles. Reviewing big movies that everyone has already seen before is rather frivolous. I want to give people something unique to read, as opposed to another screaming voice in a roar of screaming voices.
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