Friday, July 15, 2011

Review: Forbidden Planet

I had added this classic sci-fi film to my queue a long time ago.  I feel if I am going to be any kind of movie buff, I need to see all the classics, this one included.  I must say, I was very pleased and impressed by this classic cinema.

Forbidden Planet follows a spaceship crew and their rescue mission.  They come to Altair 4 where they meet Dr. Morbius and his gorgeous, but naive, daughter Altaira. The brilliant doctor informs the crew about his time spent on the planet and the ordeals he had to endure to survive.  All done in the name of science and progress.  Eventually, we learn the true threat on the planet isn't what it appears to be.

Likes - I really enjoyed this film, much to my surprise.  My mind's eye had imagined this film is unimaginative, poorly conceived, and full of gimmicky scenes.  Instead, I was treated to a well developed story that delves into human nature.  I was really impressed how they tied things together.  I was also impressed with the sets and special effects.  A few scenes had me scratching my head, asking "How did they do that?"  Too often films simply phone it in with the CGI.  The mystery and awe inspired by this film is lost in so much of today's CGI fare.  Forbidden Planet is worth watching over again, just to figure out how they managed some of the special effects. The real star in this film though is the plot.  It really shows how our humanity will always remain, despite all our intellectual advancements.  I was impressed by the high brow story, how it didn't pander to the audience.  Instead it treated us as intelligent adults, something rarely found and felt today.

Dislikes - My only complaint about this film is the pace of the plot.  I felt like they could have skipped some dialogue, enough to shave 10 minutes off.  Thats it though.

Overall - Do yourself a favor and watch this film.  Despite it's age and campy reputation, it is a solid, thoughtful, well-crafted film.  I really enjoyed this film. 4 out of 5 stars. 

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