Friday, December 30, 2011

Review: Batman:Noel (graphic novel)

I owe my friend Lee double.  Not only did he give me this graphic novel as a very thoughtful gift, but he also gave me the bright idea of reviewing it on this blog.  For as big as comics are in my life currently, I never thought to give them any 'print' space. With that said, HERE WE GO!

Batman: Noel is quite simply a Batman-ified take on the Charles Dickens tale of finding one's true worth and purpose on Christmas.

Likes - There were a number of things I liked about this novel.  First of all, I really enjoyed the art.  The whole book was painted. You can really tell this was a work of love.  There is a lot of effort put into the details.  More so, you really feel like you're in the middle of winter in Gotham.  Linked to that was the wording.  There are no speech bubbles.  All the words are white written directly over the pages.  It's a small detail but I thought it smart and novel to take this approach. It gave the book a different feel then your typical comic book.
Lastly, the overall story was really good. The narrative gave one impression of a story while the panels played out something different.  The back and forth between the two created an interesting tale.  What I also enjoyed was that Batman was portrayed as Scrooge.  For as much as Batman is regarded as a hero, he has his own shortcomings.  It was nice to see that even  his heart grow two sizes.

Dislikes - For this particular book, I didn't find anything I didn't like.  This wasn't a stand out, standard changing title but it was a fun holiday read.

Overall - I really enjoyed this book.  Especially reading it around Christmastime, it really had a specialness to it.  It was like watching a TV special unfold in front of you.  Cheesy at time but overall, a great, fun take on a classic.  GO buy it for yourself or anything Batman fans you know!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Review: Angel Beats! (anime)

Angel Beats! was another Netflix recommendation.  I wasn't nearly as sure about this one as some of the other suggestion in the past. With only 13 episodes consisting the whole season, it would be worth a shot.  The series turned out to be a nice surprise

Angel Beats! is a unique show in many ways.  For one, all the students at the high school are dead.  Yes, this high school is actually a strange purgatory for those whose lives have been cut short.  In the opening episode, we are introduced to a small faction within the student body rebelling against the school authority.  The face and prime enemy of this rule is Angel, a small, white haired girl capable of taking on a whole team of experienced and heavily armed student soldiers.  As the story progresses, alliances change, motives come to light, and we begin to see things are not at all what you were expecting.

Likes - There were a number of things I liked about this series.  First off, I enjoyed the animation.  If nothing else is was a nice clean and vibrant series.  It was really full of life.  I don't prefer that style but i found it fitting for the overall hopefulness the show was trying to convey.  Secondly,  the music was solid.  Angel Beats! actually had a real band involved and making the music.  So there was a distinct sound and consistency that stamped the series throughout. As a musician, I really enjoyed the music animation.  I could tell instantly that the animators were paying attention to how the music was actually played.  It wasn't some random strumming on the guitar, but in fact everything was in line with the song.  I appreciated that level of detail made.
The one big element of this series I enjoyed were the characters, character development, and overall plot.  There is a very large cast that constantly evolves in the this series.  It's amazing how there is as much development as there is.  The characters are very interesting and are all worth knowing.  As you watch the series, the plot turns into a redemption story for each of the main crew.  This is what really had me enjoying this series.

Dislikes - Nothing in particular stands out that didn't like.  I think the story was executed well and within a reasonable amount of time.  I 'm not totally raving about this series because it's not my usual forte.  It was very good for what it was though.

Overall - I would recommend watching this anime.  If you're looking for something cute, something dense but concise, and/or something uplifting, watch this.  It was nice to watch a story with as much development and earnestness as Angel Beats! did.  With the holiday break beginning for a lot of folks now, I think this would be a great time to watch this series and continue the good cheer of Christmas!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Review: Hell Girl (anime)

Hell Girl was another series Netflix recommended to me based on my previous tastes.  With such a frank title, I figured I'd give it a shot.  Despite my best judgement, I managed to finish this series and felt let down afterwards. 

Hell Girl is an episodic series like Mushi-shi, each episode containing a full story.   Hell Girl follows Ai Enma, a spirit who offers revenge to anyone with enough hatred in their heart. There is a basic underlying climax the series builds up to. 

Like - The animation was absolutely gorgeous.  I don't think I've seen an anime done as well.  It had moments of normal animation but during the sequences near the end, where Ai comes to exact revenge, that when we see the best of this series. 

Dislike - I didn't enjoy watching this series.  I actually started watching this episode and stopped 7 episodes in.  Feeling weird about not completing the series, I decided to read the reviews and see what I was missing out.  Many reviewers said that it started slow but picked up, with the ending being a great pay off.  So I stuck with it, forcing myself each day to watch one episode.  When I finally finished this series, I felt completely let down.  When watching a series feels like a chore, you know something is wrong.  Nothing grabbed me or seemed interesting.  The story seemed repetitive, the characters seemed uncompelling.  There wasn't anyone I wanted to know more about.  If there was, I wouldn't see them past the episode I watched.  The Hell Correspondence group added some humor and clarity, but even they seemed distant.  The series focused on Ai, whom we are kept at an arms length for so long, I lost interest and concern by the time they revealed her past in the end.  

Overall - I don't recommend this series.  As I said, it is beautiful to watch.  An episode or two can be very interesting and fun but a full 26 episode series just felt so unnecessary.  This series could be done with more punch and focus within 13 or even 6 episodes.  Drawing things out to 26 though made it very difficult to sit though.  I give this 2 out of 5 stars. 

Review: Mushi-Shi (anime)

Nothing special regarding how I started watching this series.  Netflix recommended it.  I read the description and figured it was worth the shot.  What a pay off though!

Mushi-Shi is about Mushi Master Ginko, a man who travels the lands, doing what he can to help those afflicted by mushi and trying to get a souvenir when he can.  This series is very episodic, each episode containing a full story.  The full series has no ultimate goal or climax. Instead, we see different people having different troubles.  Ginko tries his best help each one out.

Like - Though I'm not a big fan of series that don't have an ultimate plot, I really enjoyed this one.  The main reason being Ginko was such an unassuming, endearing main character.  He viewed the people afflicted by the mushi and the mushi themselves both as being victims of circumstance.  Ginko is a mix of ghostbuster, MacGuyver, and Doctor Who.  Not one to allow anyone to die, he has to find a solution where everyone, mushi and person, can walk away better off.  The animation itself wasn't anything special but the scenes were very beautiful.  Seeing the world still untouched by modern progress in each episode was really enticing.  The animators were able to create a gorgeous landscape that I had no regrets getting lost in.  The last great piece of the series was the music.  It was more orchestral then other series I've watched previously.  All these elements together create a series that was very mellow but was still very inviting.  Something truly unique.

Dislike - This isn't much of a dislike as much as it is a possible different direction.  It would be nice to see the series go towards a larger climax.  The last episode actually had very little of Ginko, though he still played a big role.  Other then that, I can offer no improvements to this show.

Overall - I really enjoyed this series.  I actually put off watching my normal slew of films of drama and horror so that I could watch the next episode of Mushi-Shi.  It's hard for me to put my finger on it exactly, but I think the characters, specifically Ginko, really drew me in.  I was glad to watch this series and I think you should too.  5 out of 5 stars!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I wish someone would tell me what's wrong with me so I can start fixing it now.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Review: Batman: Year One

BATMAN! Do you even need to ask why I watched this? If you do, shut up and read my review.

Batman: Yea One follows Bruce Wayne, returning to Gotham after years away, secretly training for a mission that was unclear to him. Upon his arrival, he sees the city he left behind fallen more into corruption and depravity.  Concisely - Gotham is fallen victim to crime.  At the same time, Lieutenant James Gorden has come to Gotham as well.  He feels his coming to Gotham is an appropriate punishment for his past misconduct, He grieves though over bringing his wife, and eventually, his son, to such a immoral place.  The film follows both men as they come to terms with their home and how best to fight for it.

Likes - This was a very good adaptation for Frank Miller's masterpiece.  The filmmakers faithfully brought to life those pages drawn so long ago.   Some instances, its understandable to try and provide a new spin on an old story.  This approach wouldn't work here though.  Batman: Year One is both hallowed ground and a solid story.  Making any changes would ruin it.
Similarly to Batman Begins, we see the original inspiration for Batman.  Not the costumed likes of the Joker or the Riddler.  No, crime, both organized and petty, were what made Bruce Wayne begin his endless, unrelenting crusade.  We see Batman doing more 'mundane' tasks like saving old ladies from runaway trucks.  We also see him using his dectivie skills to weed out the information he needs.  We also see Batman get theatrical.  Keep in mind most people do not even believe he exists.  He needs to strike fear into the criminal underworld, even if it means putting on a show. Also, we see Batman make mistakes, criticize himself, and even act unsure of his his next move.  All this is a very refreshing side of the classic character.

Dislikes - For one, I wanted more! The animation seemed too crisp and clean for such a gritty story.  I think it might have hurt the story some.  Also, the voice actors were different from the usual talents associated to these films.  This isn't bad so much as it's disarming a bit.  Still, they did a very good job.

Overall - I think any fan of Batman, diehard to luke warm, should watch this.  It was a very good, mature take on the caped crusader.  Overall 5 out of 5.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Review: Everything Must Go

I love Will Ferrell.  I can unashamedly admit this.  So when I saw he was doing a film a little different from his normal roles, I had to jump on it.  Ferrell is a great actor when he wants to be, his work in Stranger Then Fiction as one example.

Everything Must Go begins with the worst day in Nick Halsey's life.  He gets fired from his job of 16 years after one too many screw ups, many related to his alcoholism.  He returns home to find all his possessions strewn about his front lawn.  He tries to get inside his home, only to find every lock and key code changed.  By state law, he is able to stay on this lawn for up to 5 days.  Nick is forced to hold a pseudo yard sale, while he figures out what to do next in his life.

LikesEverything Must Go is not at all the comedy I was expecting.  I will be up front about that now.  Still, I enjoyed this film.  As I've stated before, expectations of a film can greatly effect the viewing experience.
Back to the point, this film was good but not great.  There was a subtlety in the story that was present throughout most of the film.  This is key because it makes the outbursts seem so much more real and extreme.  We really feel the frustration in Nick just boil over into a sheath of absolute helplessness.  Will Ferrell is great and it's really nice seeing him really act, as opposed to acting out like a child.
This story isn't new - a man, down on his luck, looks for a way back to his humanity and dignity.  What this film set out to do, it did well.  Everything Must Go was a real 'slice of life' pice done right.   The movie wasn't innovative by any means and it might even be forgettable to some, but it made you real feel something.  A great effort was made to develop the relationship between Nick and his various neighbors, each one trying to help Nick out in their own capacity.  Kenny, Samantha, and Frank each show a unique side of Nick, creating a multi-dimensional image of this man, instead of a paper thin perception from just one person.

Dislikes - For this film there was nothing in particular I disliked.

Overall - I enjoyed this film.  It was nice seeing Nick find his way back, even after a plot twist really puts the pressure on.  It was also a pleasure seeing Ferrell play a role that requires some restraint and talent.  I give Everything Must Go 4 out of 5 stars.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Review: The Ward

It's HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNN!!!!!.....So I tried finding a new American horror film to watch.  I was only able to find this here.

The Ward follows Kristen as she is inexplicably sent to a mental ward after setting a barn on fire.  Upon her arrival, she becomes acclimated into the small world that exists inside.  She meets the other patients, pisses the staff off, and randomly encounters a woman covered in darkness trying to kill her.  This film turns out to be a ghost story...or is it? (Insert spooky laugh)

Likes - The Ward wasn't a stand out innovative film, so it's hard to point out anything major that I liked.  It wasn't terrible or even bad.  The acting was acceptable, except for Sarah's death.  That was a bit silly.  The story was generally solid.  Honestly, I was only half paying attention while watching this.  The questionable points I did pick up on were ratified with the ending, which i might add......WAS A TWIST! Bet you didn't see that coming.

Dislikes - Again, I have the same general comment.  Nothing comes to mind that I greatly disliked about this film.  Not saying it was flawless, though.

Overall - The Ward was a fun film to watch if you don't take it too seriously.  Viewing it once is enjoyable but that would be enough.  This won't change horror or make you scared to sleep at night. I was getting turned off by the ghost story concept because it wasn't being executed in a proper manner.  The ending made it acceptable though.  The ending didn't bring things full circle, so much as, it was able to explain away any flaws the plot might have had.  It was a good idea but the lack of strong acting made the overall film, though fun to watch, an overall forgettable affair.

P.S. One last note I want to add.  I will continue to review smaller, more obscure tittles.  Reviewing big movies that everyone has already seen before is rather frivolous.  I want to give people something unique to read, as opposed to another screaming voice in a roar of screaming voices.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Review: Dream Home

Hey everyone.  I know it's been some time.  In my real life, I was away on business and wasn't able to keep the movie watching going like normal.  Don't fret though, I've returned!! And I've brought along a stellar gift in this Chinese slasher masterpiece!  I choose to watch Dream Home beucase it was a newly added title to Netflix's instant stream.  I wasn't expecting anything great or evenly remotely good.  Thankfully, Dream Home managed to surprise me.

Dream Home is the story of Cheng Lai-Sheung's pursuit of finding the perfect home.  Early on, we don't understand what drives Cheng's obsession to get a flat in a particular spot.  Despite the advice from friends, family and experts, she refuses to be deterred from acquiring her dream home (OH NO I just made a title reference!).  Slowly, we come to find what's pushing Cheng and how far she will go to make her dreams come true (I can't stop).

Likes - Firstly, the cinematography was amazing.  There were many quiet moments where panning shots of Hong Kong were showed in both vibrant and dull colors.  You can tell a lot of effort was made to show the city in both it's beauty and it's darkest corners.  It was like watching photos breathing. During the moments where there was development, there was also a sense that the setting was carefully picked.  Each scene seemed to have it's own thematic color.  I could be wrong, but that's what I remember.  It really added to the uniqueness of the film.  It reminds me of Hero, where each battle had its own special setting.  Secondly, the story telling was well crafted, detailed, and moved at a good pace.  At first we have no idea why Cheng is doing what she is doing.  The film provides us insight by going back and forth from Chengs past and present.  We go as far back as her childhood.  It's the only way to truly understand what is driving her.  In time, we come to empathize with her.  The back and forth also provides a nice break from the violence.  Lastly, the gruesomeness and depth of violence is nothing I've ever seen in any horror film.  Where most cameras look way and force us to imagine the outcome, Dream Home leaves no room for speculation.  You see each death to it's bitter end.  For someone who has seen more then his fair share of horror, I was shocked to finally see the next level being taken.  Granted, due to its foreign nature, many lines could be crossed.  But even in Japanese and Korean films, I've never seen this level of gore and maiming. It was gruesome and bloody but I was so intrigued with the overall story, I felt no need to look away.  That's pretty amazing

Dislikes - The only thing I disliked about the film was its Netflix description.  Though it gives you a very basic idea of the film, it does not prepare you at all for what you're about to watch.  To the general audience, the violence and blood maybe too much for some people.  The story is so strong though, to see anything less takes away from the obsession driving Cheng.

Overall - All in all, I was unexpectedly impressed with this film.  I wasn't expecting anything this great.  In fact, the first time I watched this film I fell asleep since I was so tired.  I made another attempt to complete my viewing and it was well worth it.  I'm glad I tried a second time since it usually takes me a few tries to really enjoy a film.  With Dream Home, the story is solid and is told in both a beautiful and grotesque manner.  This juxtaposition really shows you the purity of intentions and the dark depths we can fall into to fulfill them.  I give this film 5 stars easy.  Do yourself horror fans and watch this film ASAP!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Review: The Adjustment Bureau

This film is based on a Philip K. Dick short story.  As of late I've been reading his work (GASP!) and I  was interested to see this film.  With the leading roles being filled in by Matt Damon and Emily Blunt,  I'm that much more excited to watch this film.

Matt Damon is David Norris, a would be senator, who randomly meets Elise.  It turns out that this romance was never meant to be, and a whole secret organization is doing everything they can to stop their relationship from blossoming.

Likes - I enjoyed this film.  I think it kept to the spirit of PKD pretty well, though not completely.  I haven't read the actual story this was based on but I did read a lot of PKD.  He is a master of making you feel absolutely paranoid.  That paranoia was in the film but wasn't nearly as heavy as it should have been.  I think the film makers were after making this a thrilling tale of love conquering all over a conspiracy theory film.  Matt Damon and Emily Blunt both did well I think but they won't be winning any awards I think.

Dislikes - There wasn't anything in particular that stood out that I didn't dislike about this film.

Overall - This was a good film but not a great film.  I enjoyed this film and I would recommend this to anyone looking for a slick sci-fi thriller.  There isn't much replay value though.  This film did stick with PKD's mastery of creating a world within a world but the feeling of paranoia that is PKD's bread and butter was a bit lacking.  Nonetheless, good film.  I just didn't get that overwhelming film of greatness afterward. 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Review: Super

I decided to watch SUPER because of the premise and cast seemed unusually big to me, pure and simple.

SUPER is a film about Frank and his attempt to change the world at large.  His Wife, Sarah, leaves him for a drug dealer.  In his grief and as a vain attempt to get her back, Frank becomes the Crimson Bolt, crime fighter.  Soon he begins to see that simply having the desire to stand up for whats right isn't enough.

Likes - Right away I have to tell you, this movie is dark.  It starts off with a cute premise.  Very quickly, it begins to became a very dark, disturbing tale of trying to do the right thing.  No character is completely innocent or stable.  That's one thing I really appreciated in this film.  Maybe because I'm more astute today, but I noticed that everyone character, including Frank, was a disturbed individual, looking for a way to cope with reality.  It was entertaining to see how each character tried to just survive his or her mundane role in society - drugs, money, the past, a costume.  This movie takes the classic idea of a super hero and places it the real world.  SUPER shows us just how far and how bad things can get.  The cast was amazingly big for such a small title.  I think most everyone did good work, though nothing exceptional can be gleamed from this film.  Except Ellen Page.  Her portrayal of Libby is great.  She provides some of the best lines in the film and the best scenes in the whole film.  She reminds me of Damien Wayne in the Batman comic world, but without the extensive training or confidence.  

Dislikes - Nothing in particular that I disliked about this film.  The most negative aspect I have of this film is that it simply was not at all what I was expecting.  It was much more brutal and true to life then I was expecting. That isn't a bad thing but it took me longer then it should have to appreciate what SUPER was trying to convey.  

Overall - I'd recommend this film for any superhero buff, be you into comics, cartoons, or movies.  Also for anyone who loves dark comedy, this is a must watch.  For the luke warm viewer, I'd probably avoid this film.  It's not for everyone.  Since I'm in a decent mood, I'll give this film 4 out of 5 stars.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Review: Superman III

As I continue my pursuit of watching all the Superman films, this was the next entry on my list.

Superman 3 focuses on a new villain, Ross Webster (Robert Vaughn).  On the outside he is a generous philanthropist, doling out heaping handfuls of money to whatever group he deems fit.  He is a powerful man, born into wealth, and, secretly, looking to do anything in his power to get more.  Even if that means going beyond the limits of the law.  We are also introduced to Gus Gorman (Richard Pryor).  He is a lazy man in denial and unable to hold down a job of any kind.  After enrolling into a basic computer programming class, he finds he is a gifted genius computer whiz.  Gus pulls a techno bank heist to satiate his greedy lusts.  Rather quickly though, he is caught by his employer Webster.  Rather then fire him and turn him into the police, he creates a new partnership with the tech whiz.  What ensues is a new plot to defeat Superman and to get rich while they were doing it. SPOILER WARNING!

Likes - There is one thing about this film I really liked, Christopher Reeves performance as Superman.  Particularly, I really enjoyed Reeves portrayal of a Superman under the influence of tainted Kryptonite. He did a particular amazing job of playing a real person.  This is key because his portrayal of Clark as a bumbling nerd is all the more exemplified.  It give Reeves' Kent so much more credibility.

Dislikes - Oh Superman, how you continue to show us how not to do things!  Webster feels to me like a watered down Luthor.  In Superman 1 and 2, Hackman's Luthor has one ultimate, unspoken motivation - to prove his mental superiority over humanity.  Webster's motivation feels nothing more then making a quick buck.  It doesn't make much sense why he is going out of his way to make more money when he already owns his own business, along with it's own high rise skyscraper in Metropolis.  Gus Gorman is a bit more believable while also being much less likely.  It is very hard to believe how someone can be such a moron with everything in life, but somehow have an innate understanding of the inner workings of computers. So much so, he is able to create a virus that infects an entire corporation.  Also, Pryor seemed pushed into silly scenes, simply to give him a forum to display various impressions.  It felt forced and out of place.  In the end, I think Pryor was too big a name for this movie.  They tried to make this movie to be something else, instead of a showcase of Superman and how he handles the various problems that his special powers can't make go away.
Another aspect of this film is the general attitude of technology.  This is less a complaint and more an observation.  I love technology.  I have a degree in Computer Engineering because I love computers.  Technology is the future, pure and simple.  This film treats technology, computers in particular, as this strange magic, somehow able to do whatever you want it to do.  The film makers didn't understand that even computers have their limits.  They can't randomly shoot out lasers or suck in human flesh.  I found this treatment of computers very amusing and I feel like this attitude still prevails amongst people today.

Overall - I don't recommend watching this film, at least not if you want to see Superman.  I feel like Superman was included in this film almost as an afterthought or out of necessity.   Out of the 3 films I've seen of Superman, this is the most inconsistent.  Reeves delivers a great performance of Superman/Kent but it's not enough to justify watching this movie as a whole.  2 out of 5 stars.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Review: Superman I & II(R. Donner Cut)


I recently read an article on  It was about Superman 2 and how it has become a template for many modern superhero films, 30 years after it's debut.
After reading this article and also learning about the recently released Richard Donner cut of Superman 2, I realized I never really watched this series as a whole.  So I have planned to view the full set of Superman films.  I will also try to review each one, as a personal challenge.
Superman follows the beginnings of Kal-El and his trip to Earth.  From there, he is adopted by the Kents and raised as close to a normal boy as anyone possibly could, given the powers of a demigod.  Soon, after leaving Smallville, we see Clark grow into a man and into a new role - protector.  
Superman 2 follows almost immediately after Superman.  At least it seems that way.  General Zod, a traitor to the Kryptionian government, manages to escape his 2-dimensional prison and seeks to rule planet Earth.  Superman finds himself having to choose between happiness or righteousness.

Likes - The main aspect of the movie I enjoyed was the acting.  I think that, overall, the actors stayed true to the original characters of the comic. There were some exceptions I'd say.  Other then that, nothing really stands out to me.

Dislikes - Before I begin this section, let me start by saying I am a avid comic book reader, fan, and enthusiast.   This means I already have a clear picture of what I feel Superman should be. Also, SPOLIER ALERT!
So I found a lot wrong with Superman.  Let's start out with Superman's powers.  Donner stuck with the basic set - flight, speed, strength, heat vision.  Near the end though, we see something new.  Without any explanation, Superman has the ability to time travel.  He does so by reversing the rotation of the Earth.  I find  so many things wrong about this.  Superman is fully capable of changing Earth's rotation.  The issue comes from the fact that Donner somehow thinks this will reverse time.  If this were even remotely true, I think Superman would have gone back even further in time and made sure Lex Luthor never even thought about his crazy plan in the first place.  This made me SO angry.  This move is commonplace when it comes to Superman.  Unlike other superheros, with clearly defined abilities, Superman's powers seem to shift to what the current write feels needed.  Originally, Superman could only jump really high.  Due to the laziness of some animators, Superman's powered were retconned.  Now he can fly.  For writers, Superman ultimately is whatever you need him to be.
Another problem I have are with the characterizations of Superman and Lex Luthor.  Superman is something that Clark Kent does.  While he will always be the farm boy from Kansas, Superman is the ultimate extension of his morals and values.  He is a rare man, fully capable of making sure the upright path is being followed, overcoming the many temptations and limitations we mortals face everyday.  The movie took the opposite approach, Clark Kent is the facade while Superman is the real man.  This may have been the view during the time this film was produced.  I feel this approach makes Superman feel so much further from humanity.  Thus, it makes more sense that Superman protects people out of pity rather then out of his morals.  For Lex Luthor, I feel a similar disappointment.  In comic book land, Lex Luthor does not see himself as being evil.  In fact, he sees himself as humanity's protector, being the only one able to make the hard decisions, the hard sacrifices.  Additionally, he is the only one to see the threat the Superman is.  In the film, as great as Gene Hackman is, we get a one dimensional character.  No person ever thinks they are committing evil.  Even Hitler thought he was taking the morally upright path.  So when we see a self proclaimed genius talk about being evil, it feels so unreasonable.  
Regarding Superman 2, I have the same feelings.  Zod is a would-be dictator with the power and support to control the whole world.  The film fails to delve into why he would even want to conquer Earth.  Personally, if I found a whole planet I could subjugate single handedly, I would get bored of it quickly.  We see that to a small extent in the film, I admit.  Ultimately, the audience is given absolutely no background to Zod's motivation other then ... no one likes to invite him to birthday parties.  Maybe? I don't know.
Also, the end was exactly the same as Superman! WTF? FUCK this random time travel bullshit!

Overall - Despite everything I find wrong with these two films, I still recommend you watch it.  Less for the quality and more for the history attach to this franchise.  These films are also a great example of what happens when you let outsiders take over a legacy they have no idea about.  Eventually, they take a revered brand and try to milk it for all they can.  They leave behind nothing but a shell of the greatness once there.  This film is fun for the non-comic nerd.  For those who really know and care about Superman, these film really pillage a great icon.  These films are not a great example of who Superman really is.  These films are a great example of what the Superman mythos goes through to reach the masses. 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Review: Sucker Punch

I was bored today.  I had gotten most of my errands done today and I wanted to relax and not exert myself much.  Against my previous vows, I walked into the local video place.  Yes, I know - they still exist!  I walked around and grabbed what looked interesting, which doesn't necessarily equate to good.  Of the batch I got, this was one of films I watched today.

Sucker Punch follows Baby Doll as she transcends different levels of conscious.  After thwarting her new stepfather from taking advantage her and her younger sister, she is sent away to an all girls mental ward...I think.  From there, Baby Doll enters into a world of brothels, sex trade, martial arts, guns, and sex appeal.

Likes - Visually speaking, this movie amazing!  This movie is a fanboy's ultimate wet dream and fantasy.  Young girls scantily clad wielding guns and knives fitting nazi monsters and robo-samurai.  I know it all sounds so over the top that it can't be true - but it is!!!  Zack Snyder did a great job capturing a look that you can't help fall in love with.  The music is spot on too.  Leaning towards the modern, it still packs the fast paced feel that this movie demands.  Also it enhances the action.  It feels less like a commercial for the soundtrack and more good use of a often overlooked peeve of film making.

Dislikes - This film is over-the-top in every way possible, which I find to both it's strong and weak point.  If I had seen this in the theatre, I think I would have been more impressed.  I am watching the Blu Ray and it looks gorgeous.  But my tastes in film and women are about the same - despite how good looking you are, in the end I need some intelligence included in the package.  Sucker Punch fails to deliver that.  The plot feels loosely connected.  In the end, the films feels like an excuse to play out a bunch of random fights with some hotties.

Overall - I wasn't very pleased with this film.  I was impressed by the visuals but the plot was lacking enough that I wasn't too thrilled.  If you're looking for some impressive eye candy, this will pay off in aces. But if you're looking for something with any depth at all, I would move on to another title.  I give this 2.5 out of 5 stars.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Review: Ceder Rapids

When I saw the trailers in theaters, I was kinda excited.  I've never been one to go to the theaters for a comedy though.  I feel it doesn't take advantage of the bigger-then-life presentation that the big screen offers.  So, away to my Netflix queue it went.  After hearing some friends of mine saying they enjoyed watching this recently, I bumped it to the top of my queue.  It took a few weeks, but I finally got to this.  Let's say that I didn't miss out on anything by waiting.  

Cedar Rapids follows Tim Lippe (Ed Helms) as he heads to an insurance agent convention, in place of a deceased co-worker.  His agency has won the prestigious Two Diamond award back-to-back and it's now his turn to make his agency proud.  The recently passed co-worker was the won making the wins, though.  Tim has to take his place and learn to play with the big dogs.  And quickly, I might add.  Unfortunately, he isn't even mature enough to handle seeing a black man.  Cedar Rapids is a heart-felt coming-of age film for those 40 somethings still seeing life thru the eyes of a 20 something.

Likes - I enjoyed this film. It was cute and charming but had enough bite to make me remember I was an adult.  Ed Helms does a bang up job playing Tim.  Frankly, it's not much of a stretch though.  Tim is a more sheltered and less pampered version of Andy from The Office.  But why fix something that isn't broken, right?  John C. Reily really stole the show.  He plays Dean Zeigler, the raunchy, party animal foil to Tim.  He is the total opposite of Tim, giving nicknames to everyone he knows, drinking every moment he breathes, and telling as many off colored jokes he can between sips.  We come to appreciate even Dean though.  He is the most honest character of the whole film.  We even see Meaby from Arrested Development show up!  That was a nice surprise.  All around, the cast makes this film, not just one guy.  Sure, the film is about Tim growing up, but he couldn't have done it without his cohorts in crime and mischief.  

Dislikes - Nothing in particular stood out that I didn't like.  That said, this film isn't that memorable.  Sure it was good but it didn't have any moments that made you blurt out "WTF?!?!".  There were no moments that people will be quoting to the point of annoyance.  At the time I watched this film, I wanted two things - to complete a movie viewing and to relax with something that wasn't too dense.  I got exactly that.  Cedar Rapids is definitely worth watching once.  But any more spins seems a bit excessive.  

Overall - If you have other movies you're waiting to watch (hopefully because I recommended them), watch those first.  If you're bored and want something that makes you chuckle and gives that feel good feeling at the end, watch this.  3 out of 5 stars. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Review: Captain America: The First Avenger

Being a fan of comic books and Captain America, I had to see this film. 'Nuff said.

Captain America: The First Avenger (CA:TFA) follows Steve Rogers from scrawny solider wannabe to a timeless national hero.  Thats pretty much it.

Likes - I enjoyed this film a whole lot.  I went into this film knowing they wouldn't get everything right.  Honestly, they never do with these comic films.  With this film though, you can tell they worked really hard to craft a story as close to the original as possible.  More so, they wanted to keep the characters the same at heart.  And they did that.  For all that Chris Evans has done, this is by far the best role I've seen him play.  You believe he is Steve Rogers.  That's saying a lot!  Bucky and the Howling Commandos are on par too.  With CA:TFA, despite Captain America being such a lone figure, he really is made by the people that support him.  Hugo Weaving also was a great pick as Red Skull.  He gives off the right amount of creepy and fear.  I even liked how they had a nice easter egg during the Expo scene.  

Dislikes -  Nothing in particular sticks out that I didn't like.  Mind you I saw CA:TFA on sunday and it's about Thursday.

Overall - I think it was a good film.  Great film even.  We really saw the trails that helped build the Captain America mythos.  The film really shows how Steve Rogers, not Captain America, is a true American hero!
Four and Half Stars out of Five.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Review: Forbidden Planet

I had added this classic sci-fi film to my queue a long time ago.  I feel if I am going to be any kind of movie buff, I need to see all the classics, this one included.  I must say, I was very pleased and impressed by this classic cinema.

Forbidden Planet follows a spaceship crew and their rescue mission.  They come to Altair 4 where they meet Dr. Morbius and his gorgeous, but naive, daughter Altaira. The brilliant doctor informs the crew about his time spent on the planet and the ordeals he had to endure to survive.  All done in the name of science and progress.  Eventually, we learn the true threat on the planet isn't what it appears to be.

Likes - I really enjoyed this film, much to my surprise.  My mind's eye had imagined this film is unimaginative, poorly conceived, and full of gimmicky scenes.  Instead, I was treated to a well developed story that delves into human nature.  I was really impressed how they tied things together.  I was also impressed with the sets and special effects.  A few scenes had me scratching my head, asking "How did they do that?"  Too often films simply phone it in with the CGI.  The mystery and awe inspired by this film is lost in so much of today's CGI fare.  Forbidden Planet is worth watching over again, just to figure out how they managed some of the special effects. The real star in this film though is the plot.  It really shows how our humanity will always remain, despite all our intellectual advancements.  I was impressed by the high brow story, how it didn't pander to the audience.  Instead it treated us as intelligent adults, something rarely found and felt today.

Dislikes - My only complaint about this film is the pace of the plot.  I felt like they could have skipped some dialogue, enough to shave 10 minutes off.  Thats it though.

Overall - Do yourself a favor and watch this film.  Despite it's age and campy reputation, it is a solid, thoughtful, well-crafted film.  I really enjoyed this film. 4 out of 5 stars. 

Review: Kill the Irishman

My friend Jaysen highly recommended this film.  I took his advice and was very pleased I did.

Kill the Irishman follows the story of real life thug Danny Greene.  Greene was avid reader and a hard worker.  He begin his career in crime but muscling his way into being the union president of this factory, trying to stand up for the people who work in the massive death trap.  His way of getting what he wanted, for himself and his crewmen, made him much loved and respected.  This wasn't enough for Greene though.  He continued down the path of power, greed, and respect

Like - I really like this film.  Much more then I was expecting.  Knowing the film is based on true life events makes it that much more interesting.  The acting is very strong with these B-listers.  I was really pleased.  The plot though ultimately drives this film.  In a strange way, it reminds me of Walk the Line, but for crime, not music.  Overall great.  I liked this film so much that I'm making sure to write about it, despite having seen it 2 weeks ago.

Dislikes - There wasn't anything overt that I disliked.  This was a solid film - solid plot solid acting solid cinematography.  But it lacks that certain edge that makes it amazing.

Overall - Great film.  For fans of Godfather, Scarface, or anything crime/mob film, you have to see this.  For those who are indifferent to the genre, still watch this because it's well enough to stand on it's own.  4 out of 5 stars

Monday, July 4, 2011

Review: Super 8

It's the 4th of July and I had nothing to do.  I decided to venture out into public for my usual movie fix instead of simply staying in.  I heard alot of good things about this one and it already had peaked my interest.  I'm glad I went but I wouldn't have missed out much if I didn't

Super 8 follows a group of kids.  We see them trying to film their entry into the local film festival.  They end up catching a train derailment in their small Ohio town.  Things spiral out into a massive conspiracy trying to cover up a discovery that would change the course of humanity.

Likes - I liked this film a fair amount.  The kids that comprise the main cast are cute and endearing.  I think it was a good choice to have the middle schoolers be our eyes and ears, witnessing the insanity that would unfold in this film.  I like the later half of this film a good amount.  A lot of the plot elements were finally coming together.  I also liked seeing how a small town became a massive war zone.  I also enjoyed how the lack of screen time for a key element gave the film a much more intense feeling

Dislikes - I didn't like how long it took for the movie to really evolve into the kind of movie it was meant to be.  I appreciated the effort to make a Sci-fi movie more human but I think a lot of the Sci-fi feel was lacking in the early part.  I know some might argue that its a sliding scale, as it became more Sci-fi it became less about the kids.  Still though, I think they could've done a bit more.

Overall - I enjoyed this film.  It's definitely one I wanted to see, whether in the theatre or on DVD.  I think I could've waited though.  I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Review: Phantom:Requiem for the Phantom

Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom is a very redundant and poorly worded series title.  Thankfully, the series itself was crafted in a much more thoughtful fashion.  As usual lately, I was in need of a new anime series to follow, especially since the US TV season is on break.  Netflix suggested this to me.  I  was hesitant but after the 3rd episode, I was hooked.  This series proved completely worth my time.  I even found myself losing sleep. I was so engrossed with the story I would stay up way past my bed time.  

Phantom follows Zwei, a Japanese boy who has no memory of his past.  He finds himself fighting for his life the moment he awakens.  After his initial struggle, he is taught the ways of the assassin by his predecessor, Eins.  Soon, with his new abilities, we watch has Zwei rises and falls with Inferno, the organized crime syndicate he works for.

Likes - I didn't just enjoy this series, I loved it.  The story was great.  There was alot of development for all the major characters involved.  Specifically, Zwei. We see how he really asks why his life is the way he it is.  He rises.  He falls, He realizes what matters in life.  But so does Eins.  She eventually comes to see Zwei's philosophy to be better suited for her then the bland one offered to her by Scythemaster.  Even Cal, who is introduced later on, grows up as well.  If you want a series that offers alot of character development, watch this one.  It is central to the whole plot.  I liked how it was an adult series, swearing, but only when it made real sense.  Overall, I think this was a very thought-out, well crafted series.  

Dislikes - My main complaint is the animation style.  It is so plan that I was turned off by it.  I thought Phantom was another generic series about who-knows-what.  I'm glad I stuck around because it was worth the pay off.  Another complaint I have is about the ending.  What the hell happened????

Overall - I highly recommend this series.  It is a bit long but with so many characters running around, it could easily run longer.  I know I raved about Baccano! before but I think after you watch that, make the effort to see this one.  You won't be disappointed.  5 Stars!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Review: I Saw the Devil

I Saw the Devil is the latest Korean Horror film.  It focuses on the them of revenge.  After watching the revenge trilogy last month or so, I was excited to get more!  When I saw this was a nearly added instant stream title, I dropped everything to watch this. It was an interesting, unexpected ride but one I would definitely make again.

I Saw the Devil follows Kim Soo-hyeon, a special agent of the National Intelligence Security.  His fiance is brutally murdered by a serial killer, Kyung-chul.  Kyung-chul is an apathetic man, killing anyone who he feels slights him in the slightest way.  This film follows Soo-hyeon's catch and release of Kyung-chul.

Likes - This film is absolutely unrelenting and brutal.  When other films would cut away or imply an event has occurred, Jee-woon Kim keeps the scene going, forcing the viewer to see the true lengths these men will go, for survival, for revenge.  With this mentality, we see tendon being severed.  We see excrement being sifted.  We see limbs and leftovers being mixed together.  As disturbing as this might sound, it all makes for a rather beautiful sight.  The violence borders on both the ultra but also the poetic.     As I've mentioned before, what gets me loving the movie is the plot.  This was a story never told, an original tale.  If this was told again, it wouldn't have the same fluidity or flow as  I Saw the Devil.  Where other movies would have been done during after the first hour and half, I Saw the Devil took it a step further and added nearly an hour more of excitement and tension.  Mind you this is not at all pointless either, but really helps drive the point of how far Soo-hyeon will go for true revenge for his fiancee.  

Dislikes - I did not have anything major I disliked.  If I had a complaint,it would be my weak stomach had a hard time watching some scenes.  Nonetheless, I still manged to keep my eyes uncovered for the whole film.  That's pretty amazing.

Overall - Absolutely wonderful film.  Its strange all the angles I've been seeing through film about this topic - revenge.  Its becoming a great ride.  I give this movie 5 stars and implore you to watch is as soon as you can!  And try to eat light before you do, otherwise it might not sit well with you after awhile.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Review: Bacccano! (Anime)

I owe Netflix for this one.  Baccano! kept coming up as a suggestion based on all the other anime, good and crappy, that I've watched.  I was very hesitant initally.  So much so, I even started the first episode 3 times but never getting passed the first 5 minutes of it.  I'm glad I forced myself to see a whole episode.  Once I started, I could not stop watching this amazing anime.

It's very hard to describe the plot of Baccano!. I say that beucase there is so much going on.  So many characters, each with a distinct, unique personality, all crammed into only 16 episodes.  Honestly, it's amazing any development happened at all.  I can say this much though - Baccano! follows a group of people, all bound together by a life changing event.

Likes - The story telling was amazing.  I read a previous review, opining that Baccano! is anime's answer to a Tarentino film.  After watching the whole series, I fully agree.  The main reason being the disjointed story telling.  The series follows a huge cast of people, some of which will never cross paths with one another.  This is an anime with absolutely no main character.  I know thats a hefty statement, but you'll understand my words once you watch the series.  With that said, you still see alot of development, both with the story, and the characters.  Another thing I loved was cast and breadth of the characters.  I've rarely seen a set of characters so unique, and so fun.  While some characters are never delved into, there are others whom you come to know and love.  The animation was good.  There was a slight sepia sheen, which goes perfect with the prohibition era.

Dislikes - It was too short!!!  This series could easily have been 26 episodes.  51 episodes even.  Another complaint is the fact the series jumps around so greatly, from character to character, and even throughout time.  It can be quite a daunting task in the beginning to follow the story.  This is one you have to stick with.  In a way, it also makes the series that much more worth watching a second time.  The story makes much more sense the second go-around.

Overall - I love this anime.  It was new, fresh, and very intelligent.  The characters are all so interesting and intriguing, and most of them you come to love.  The replay value on this is extremely high as well.  If you are an anime fan of any degree, watch this one.  Baccano! will show you just how far the medium can be taken! 5 out of 5 stars

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Review: Let Sleeping Corpses Lie

A few weeks back, a co-worker sent me a list of the top 25 Must see Zombie Movies.  This was one entry i was unfamiliar with.  Watching this film brought me closer to completing my quest of seeing all 25 films.  It also gave me an unexpected surprise.

The film begins with George driving on the his motorbike and stopping fuel up.  Edna, not paying attention, backs up and over George's bike.  As part of recompense, Edna begrudgingly allows George to join her in her car so that she can drop him off to his important meeting.  Events unfold over time that prevent this from ever happening.  At first, nothing seems connected.  But over time, George, Edna, and the audience begin to see the bigger picture.

Likes - This zombie flick did not follow the typical format and cliches of today's trends.  The plot unfolded at a good pace.  One unique aspect is that the film focuses on a very small group, George and Edna.  They come across tragedies and misfortunes, one after another.  They quickly come to see that there is a ribbon tying these events together.  Also, at the beginning, they HATE each other.  This provides a fresh backdrop to a worn-out (but fun) genre.  Things change over time, but not without effort.  Another fresh take about this movie is the managing of the zombies.  This film does not have the hordes of zombies we've seen in Return of the Living Dead or of any Romero film.  Instead it focuses on a few who simply overpower the unsuspecting citizens they come upon.  Also, the make-up was really good, considering the era of its conception.  It wasn't so heavy on blood as much as it was looking dead and in place of the location (i.e a hospital).

Dislikes - There were some situations were the zombies simply appeared out of thin air.  I know they overlooked physics to push the plot.  Under a simple logic test though, some situations should not be.  That said, the plot was still fresh and inventive.  Also, the character development isn't totally there.  George grows in this film but leaves Edna in his dust.  Throughout the film, she plays the constant victim.  I'm sure this was intended but it would have been a bit more inspiring to at least see her try to fight for her life.

Overall - I was impressed by this film.  For being an older, less known film, I found it very fresh and new. I think the filmmakers had the luxury of really exploring a still fresh new world with no stigmas and no trends to buck.  I watched this film simply to check a box on my list of things to do.  Instead, I got a pretty enjoyable film experience.  I will warn you, for modest horror fans, this movie is dumb and a bit over dramatic.  For any self proclaimed zombie fanatic though, this is definitely one that needs to be seen.  If nothing more, to glimpse at a mythos that could have been.  4 out of 5 stars.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Review: The Return of the Living Dead

Recently, a co-worker showed me a link (which sadly I can't seem to relocate) of the top 25 must see zombie films.  Of this list, I had seen about half of the mentioned films.  I decided to try and see the other half, starting with this gem here.

The Return of the Living Dead begins with Freddie learning about his new job at a medical supply warehouse.  During the lull of the evening, his new found boss lets him in a a little secret - the military has accidentally left some very big mistakes in their possession. After a freak accident, all hell breaks loose!

Likes - 
To my surprise, I really enjoyed this film.  It is a great product of the 80's.  At times, it is stupidly funny.  Other times, I actually jumped out of my chair.  Also, the zombies in this film are different from the ones normally portrayed.  I'll leave that to you to find out how.  The special effects are really good and really create a very creepy atmosphere.  The main group of kids was refreshing to see as well.  It was a mix of all different genres prevalent during the time.  It was nice seeing everyone get along, at least in the beginning, when the biggest concern was where to party. 

Dislikes - 
This is a minor one - the make-up for the zombie horde scenes is absolutely terrible.  It is just normal people covered in mud.  The effects and make-up are kinda uneven.  At times, the imagination put into the monsters is superb, other times it seems like they honestly didn't care.  The same could be said about the acting.  At times completely over-the-top, other times it was dead on.  This one is minor though too, since the over-the-top moments really add some cute charm to the film.  

Overall - 
This was a very good zombie film and a fun film, in general.  I'm glad I made the time to watch this film and I plan to watch a few sequels spawned from this.  4 stars our of 5. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Review: Audition

Audition was a recommendation made to me by NetFlix.  I was bored and decided to try it out.  It was a foreign horror film, which tend to not disappoint.  This was a gamble that paid off!
Audition is a Japanese horror film from 1999.  The story centers around Shigeharu Aoyama and his new desire to become remarried.  His first wife died long ago, leaving him alone to raise thier son.  Cut ahead ten years, we see that Shigeharu has done well in life and in rasing his boy.  His son shows a healthy interest in girls, which comes to inspire Shigeharu to do is own pursuing.  After he mentions his new search to his friend, he concocts a brilliant plan - use their position as Movie execs to host a series of auditions for a movie as a front to interview possible future wives for Shigeharu.  Shigeharu comes across Asami Yamazaki and is immediately smitten.  What he doesn't see is the caged beast living inside such a small, timid frame.
Likes - 
This was a film that I can definitely say was creepy,which are a rare breed.  There was the right amount of build up.  Once the real action began, there was just enough to make anyone cringe.  Amongst the actors, there was a subtly and also a disconnection at play that made the film so much more real.  The behavior of the characters was in line with how normal people would in any big city, generally.  There was one scene in a stairwell that was a bit over -the-top in my opinion, though. 
Dislikes - 
One dislike of mine was the pacing, which honestly is contradicting my first like. The story seemed to drag out a bit longer then it should have.  That's really it.

Overall - 
I enjoyed this film.  4 stars. If you want a really good thrill and chill, I'd recommend this.  It is not for the weak of heart or stomach though.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Review: Due Date

Due Date was a film coming from the same producer of the Hangover (whatever that means).  It has one of my most favorite actors Robert Downy Jr. and Zach Galifianakis is always entertaining.  A great recipe for a good time.

Due Date is a film about Peter Highman, an highly successful architect who is traveling home to LA to be with his wife.  She is having their first child and Peter is on a mission to be with her during the birth.  After having an unfortunate encounter with Ethan, he has been added to the No-Fly list.  He is forced to drive cross country with the same man who forced him into this predicament.  It is a modern and hilarious odd couple pairing.  

Likes - I enjoyed this film. It has its LOL moments but I think there was a bit more dry and subtle then 'The Hangover', which I can appreciate. The plot progressed pretty nicely and didn't drag or feel belabored at any point.  There wasn't a huge cast of colorful characters, though Danny McBride's appearance is a definite and wonderful exception.  Galifianakis is enough of a strange and lost character to carry the film.  Downey was in classic form here, playing a non-hero version of Tony Stark, with a major mean streak.  It felt good watching him lay into people.  Personally, it made up for all the times in my life I tried being decent and informing people how they need to stop being themselves and to read a book. 

Dislikes - There was nothing overt that I disliked.  I had high hopes for this film based on the crew and behind the scenes team involved.  The film did deliver but lacked that extra 'omph' I was hoping for.  Again, the plot was executed well, which is a major point for me in any story, be it film, TV, or book.  

Overall - Good film.  Maybe even great film but I think that would be shown over time.  I needed something light, funny and heartfelt. I got it with Due Date.  An added note, I think this is great date film. 4.5 out of 5 stars from this guy.  GO WATCH IT! 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Review: Wristcutters

I had heard through the grapevine that Wristcutters was a good indie film.  It was centered around suicide and death, so it was a natural pick for me.

Wristcutters centers around Zia.  Zia, overwhelmed by the breakup of his girlfriend Desiree, cuts his wrists and ends his life.  What he comes to find on the other side, is not pearly white gates or even fire and brimstone.  Instead, he is left in a world much like the world he left, only slightly worse.  Soon, he discovers a new resident in the limbo of suicide has arrived.  Zia and his new found friends go on a seemingly endless journey, looking for someone.  In time, they each discover what they are really needing.

Likes - I really liked the subtle sensibilities of this movie.  This movie wasn't over the top, which was what I was looking for.  It had a good message and enough charm to make it stick.

Dislikes - There wasn't anything in particular I didn't like about this movie.  

Overall - I enjoyed this film.  It was a light affair into dark humor.  It fit my mood perfectly.  I recommend this to anyone looking for the lighter side on death. 3.5 out of 5 stars.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Review: Soul Eater (Anime)

I was looking for a good anime to watch.  I then came across Soul Eater.  It had a cute girl swinging a huge scythe around and goes to a school founded by the Grim Reaper.  This was made just for me!

Soul Eater focuses on a band for 7 students, all of whom attend the DWMA.  The DWMA was founded by Death to train weapons (beings who can change into actual weapons) and their meisters.  Weapons and Meisters main purpose is to keep dead souls in check and prevent a Kishin from being created.  A Kishin is a creature so full of fear, it falls into a contagious madness.  The main duo is Makka and Soul.  The story begins with Soul on the verge to becoming a Death Scythe, a prestigious level for a weapon.  Unfortunately, things go awry.  The 51 episode series also adds Black Star and Tsubaki, and Death the Kid and twins Liz and Patti.  Enemies come out from the shadows attacking the Academy and its students, all in the hope of awakening a Kishin.

Likes: I enjoyed the overall themes of this anime.  The animation style gave me the impression this would be a fluffy series but I was sorely mistaken.  Almost right away, stories involving how to react and handle emotions come up very quickly.  The series also addresses concepts of teamwork and family.  I also enjoyed the depth the series had in regards to the characters.  Despite having a large central cast, there was enough developments to keep things fresh.  I was concerned there would be some loose ends but they managed to tie just about all of them up by the last episode.  

Dislikes:  The animation style can throw you off.  At first, it didn't seem to mesh at all with the story content and characters.  Pretty quickly though, I grew fond of it.  There were some major story arcs that seem to happen out of nowhere.  Mainly, in the middle of the series a new rival group appears out of nowhere, with seemingly no connections to the previous set of villains.  Also, the last episode seemed rushed and lacked some cohesiveness to the overall series and themes.  Another annoyance was the overall series length.  51 episodes is a bit much in my book.  They did mange to make it a fun ride though.  In a way, 51 episodes was perfect.

Overall: I highly recommend this anime.  I feel this is one series worth watching again, despite is long spread.  I really enjoyed the themes of handling emotion, teamwork, and family.  I found myself rushing home just so I could get my next episode in.  If you're looking for a good new series with action, depth and some bright, flashy animation, Soul Eater is for you.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Review: Oldboy

I've known of this film for years to be the ultimate revenge flick.  After my friend Lee watched this, fate would have it that it would also be the next movie in my own Netflix queue.

The film is about a man who is abducted and imprisoned for 15 years.  Once he is mysteriously released, he goes on a quest to find his faceless captors and discover the reason why they would inflict such a cruel torment.

Likes: This movie was great! The plot was superb, though some keys points seem a bit random.  Overall though I think this was a masterful work of revenge.  The cinematography was great too.  In particular, there was a fight sequence set in a hallway that was captured in a simple yet elegant way.  It was realistic in its approach, which I admired.  The transformation of the main character was a great theme too.  It was graphic, to extent to, which I think helps with the overall brutality and theme of the film.

Dislikes:  At times, the music added a bit too much drama to the scenes.  Also, it did seem to drag.  This was a rarity.  That's really it though.

Overall:  Phenomenal Film.  I'm kicking myself for waiting so long.  5 stars.  Watch it now!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Review: The Social Network

The Social Network -
Staring Jesse Eisenberg
Directed by David Fincher
Music by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross
A film about Facebook, one of the biggest and most interesting success stories of our generation.  Need I say more as to why I chose this film?

This film is about the start and rise of Facebook, Mark Zuckerburg and a the new era of internet creativity and business.

Likes - The music is amazing, both alone, which I listened to extensively, and as an accompaniment to the movie.  It added depth to the film.  I am biased since I love NIN.  Jesse Eisenberg is amazing in this.  He plays such a cool, smart jerk who knows what he wants and goes after it, damned be the consequences or the nay-sayers.  My personal opinion, I think the real Mark Zuckerburg could never be this cool, this slyly mean.  Jesse is great.  I also love the dialogue.  This is great for Kevin Smith fans.  There is so much fast talking, the relevant words get lost with the ones that are pointless but witty banter.

Dislikes - Eh, nothing.

Overall - This film was absolutely great.  Other people find Mark (the character) to be a douchebag and reprehensible, but I admire him.  He did what he, and only he, could do.  And he knew it.  Its a shame that he lost what few friends and colleagues he had. But if he cared, he would have made an effort.  Mark had an idea, had the guts to see it through and the people who got stepped on did whatever they could to get revenge.  It's the modern American success story.  And this story was given to the right people who did it justice.

I really enjoyed the ultimate theme.  This guy, who created this life changing network based on friends, had no means of holding on to even one.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Review: It's Kind Of A Funny Story

This movie has Zach Galifianakis and is about being in a mental ward.  It was perfect for me.

The film follows Craig, a young teen hard hit with puberty and pressure to succeed.  Looking for a quick fix, he gets himself admitted to a mental ward.  Realizing he will be treated the same as anyone else, he gets some very unexpected, but much needed, life lessons.  And ultimately an introduction to reality.

Likes - I really enjoy the realistic approach of life this movie has.  And despite that, it still tends to lay the humor on, though very subtly.  It was exactly what I was expecting.  This was also a much welcomed change watching Zach G.  Though not the star, his supporting role really helps bring life and a tender heart to the experience.  This film is tender, heartfelt, and still funny, in a light chuckle kinda way.  It's a great date movie. 

Dislikes - Honestly there isn't anything I didn't particularity like.  This movie though doesn't have a breakthrough edge to make it last the test of time.  

Overall - I really enjoyed this film.  So much so, I wanna buy it.  Maybe because it strikes a special cord with me.  Do yourself a favor and watch it once.  I think it'll help you understand some people aren't as well equipped as everyone else.  But it still doesn't mean they don't feel the same as you. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Review: Case 39

I was bored and desperate to find a movie to watch, since most my friends were predisposed.  I had already finished watching the Netflix discs I'd already received.  I wanted to watch something I didn't have high hopes for nor would be terribly engaging.  Something easy to follow.  I got it with Case 39.

Case 39 follows the story of a child social worker who attempts to protect a child from her insane parents.  As she tries to go above and beyond in caring for the child, she comes to learn the reason for the parents' paranoia.  Soon, she herself becomes the next victim of this child's senseless subtle rampage.

As far as horror movies go, this isn't that bad.  I think it was disturbing and scary without being over the top.  The plot seemed to make sense and was solid.  There wasn't much on twists or surprises with this one, though.  Not to say that's a bad thing.  They film was like a parent teaching a kid how to ride a bike, with its arm firmly guiding the audience.  If you are looking for a mind fuck type of experience, stay away from this one.  If you want your skin to crawl, this is for you.  Overall, the film was enjoyable, given my mood and expectation.  I would recommend this, being clear that its easily forgettable but fun while is lasts.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Review: Salt

Salt looked like it could have potential to be more the the typical action thriller.  Also, despite all the gossip news, Angelina can bring home a great performance if she is able to.  So I gave it a go. 

Salt is an action film about a women whose picture perfect life is shattered once she is accused of being a Russian sleeper spy.  The film follows her as she tries to stop the very plot she is accused of propitiating.  

This movie was decent.  The plot has a fair share of twists and turns.  Salt had its moments were I was deeply engaged.  This lead to me figuring out many of the mysteries and strange happenings long before the credits rolled.  There was a big twist near the end that I must admit I didn't see.  At least not entirely.  As far as action goes, there was a good amount, though not as much as I was expecting.  Salt was tense at times but also also had some great explosive action scenes.  Overall, I didn't get sucked into this film.  It did everything right but I still feel like its missing something.  With that, I'm sure there are many others who most likely 'get it'.  I think I'm in the minority when I say I didn't get into this at all.  I give it 3.5 stars. 

Monday, February 28, 2011

Review: Devil

Devil is the latest thriller put out by M. Night Shyamalan.  I think if you go into this film not knowing that, it might actually help the experience.  This is one of the new horror films that have come out and I decided to give it a whirl.  

The story is about a random group of strangers who find themselves trapped in an elevator.

Overall, I enjoyed this film.  I did not at all think of this as an 'M.Night' film while watching and that lack of expectation helped me enjoy this film more.  There wasn't anything astounding or ground breaking here. The pacing of the film though was great.  It kept things going and there were plenty of moments of intrigue as well as confusion (in a good way) and panic.  I think this movie is better then the majority of the horror films that come out.  Still, this is one we'll all forget soon enough.  The cast of characters was typical as it started out. But in time we learned more and more of our strangers.  Despite such a small cast set in a such confined space, you really didn't get to know many of them that well.  You just learn enough that satisfies the plot.  In this film, though thats no big loss. The plot is what takes center stage, not the characters.  For a cheap thrill, I'd say this film would do the job.