Monday, February 4, 2013

Daydream Nation (film)

Look it up on IMDB

I decided to watch Daydream Nation because I wanted some light fare.  I wanted a film that fed into my need for nostalgia, as I reminisced of high school.  Also, it helped greatly that Kat Dennings was staring in this film.  She isn't the greatest of actresses but she always plays interesting roles and is very easy on the eyes.  So with all this, I went into Daydream Nation.  What I came out with was nothing to write home about.  Instead, I'll write to the Internet.

Daydream Nation follows Caroline (Kat Dennings) as she is has found herself in a new town and new school.  Having been exposed to so much more culture in her previous life in the city, Caroline feels she was suffocating mentally in her new local.  A moody teen unsure of what she truly wants, she uses her feminine wiles to ensnare her English teacher, Mr. Barry Anderson (Josh Lucas).  Put off and cautious at first, Anderson becomes more and more enveloped in his unspeakable affair, mining excitement and inspiration from it.  Concurrently, Thurston (Reece Thompson), finds himself dealing with more then he ever expected.  A recently deceased friend, stuck living in the quiet sleepy hometown of his and meeting Caroline all bring about a flurry of emotions that Thurston's adolescent mind is incapable of handling.  All this, mixed with a unending tire fire and a serial killer on the loose, make Daydream Nation a film with many conflicts that need to be resolved.

English Teacher Anderson
Good - I wasn't expecting much from this film going in and it was probably for the best.  I enjoyed the dialogue from Caroline best. She seemed like an interesting character with some depth.  Anderson and Thurston just came off is confused little boys, despite the differences in age.  They seemed weak and lost and didn't appeal to me at all.  On the other hand, that may have been the whole point.  Nonetheless, these characters did not resonate with me at all.
There were some amazing shots in the film was well, specifically the surreal moments used to convey flashbacks or distant locations.  It reminded me of Dreamhome.  It was gorgeous stuff.  But not enough to make up for the characters.
The story itself was okay.  There were many plot threads throughout the movie.  All of them were all tied nice and neatly together at the end too.  I felt that some parts dragged on a bit though.  Overall, I felt like Daydream Nation had elements from different stories all crammed into the same hour and a  half.

Bad - I really wasn't drawn into this movie.  The story on paper seems like a sure fire it.  There is a great deal of development, both in terms of plot and characters.  I think the movie suffered from just bad acting.  Anderson seemed more lost and douchey then he needed to be.  And Thurston seemed so completely whiny that I was glad whenever something bad happened to him.  The characters made no indelible mark on me and for that the whole movie suffered.

Overall - I wasn't impressed by this movie.  I wasn't expecting much and got exactly that in return.  Kat Dennings did a great job in her role as Caroline and the plot really had some fun, interesting moments.  But the rest of the cast was weak enough that I didn't feel like I was rewarded for sitting through this picture.  I say pass on this film if given the chance to watch it.  2 out of 5 stars.

Similar To - Juno, American Beauty, Donnie Darko
Watch it on Netflix

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