Saturday, February 19, 2011

Review: High School of the Dead (anime)

I saw this anime was available on  Hulu.  It had tons of zombies and cute girls whose clothes seemed to not stay on for long.  So I was down.

Plot:  The Zombie apocalypse begins during a typical school day.  The series follows various students and faculty as the eventually form their own hodge podge group of survivors.  

I was interested in watching this because I love zombies.  And strangely enough, zombies have not been explored in the relm of an anime series.  At least, not to my knowledge.  ALso, it was only 12 episodes long so that made it all the more enticing to pursue.  Overall I liked it.  There was a lot of fan service that didn't ever really let up.  Many series that take such a route lay it on in the beginning but lay up over time.  Not this one.  The plot was overall interesting and I liked the various situations that the group found themselves in.  In general, I think zombie stories need to go into a series format.  The film format just isn't big enough to convey the real struggle of surviving in the world of zombies.  It is a constant endless struggle and that gets lost in films.  You can never let you guard down in such a desperate world.    The details of how zombies function in this world was also unique and thus how they dealt with and avoided them was different from the norm.  Which helped in keeping things fresh.  My one recommendation is to watch it via torrent download.  I noticed the Hulu episodes had some slight censoring.  

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